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Deputy head of High Qualification Commission of Judges resigns

The commission accepted his resignation.

Deputy head of High Qualification Commission of Judges resigns
Stanyslav Shchotka
Photo: Max Trebukhov

The deputy head of the High Qualification Commission of Judges (HQCJ) of Ukraine, Stanislav Shchotka, has resigned, the HQCJ press service has said.

"On 7 August 2019, the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine granted the voluntary resignation request filed by the deputy head of the commission, Stanyslav Oleksiyovych Shchotka," it said.

The press service did not mention the reasons for his resignation.

On 2 August, the Prosecutor-General's Office served the notices of suspicion to the head of Kyiv's district administrative court, Pavlo Vovk, and three other judges. They are suspected of interfering in the work of the High Qualification Commission of Judges, in particular to try and dismiss Shchotka.

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