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National lowcoster to take off next April

The fare will depend on direction and the time of ticket purchase.

National lowcoster to take off next April
Photo: Photo:

The airline SkyUp, the first national lowcoster carrier, will take off in April, 2018.

SkyUp will first concentrate on international charter flights and regular domestic and international flights, the company told Interfax-Ukraine.

Charters will be carried out from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Odesa and other cities of Ukraine on 16 directions.

Domestic flights will start in late May - early June, and the first stage will be performed between Odesa and Kyiv, Kharkiv and Lviv.

It is planned to launch international flights next year from Kyiv to Barcelona, Dubai and Larnaca .

The pricing will be formed along a low-cost model (without luggage and additional services). The fare will depend on the direction and the time of purchase of tickets. On Kyiv-Odesa rout a ticket will cost from 499 hryvnia one way.

To date, the SkyUp fleet consists of three 189-seat Boeing 737 – 800 NG aircraft manufactured in 2001, 2002 and 2011. The company plans to purchase another aircraft next year, and increase it to 12 aircraft by 2022.

On Saturday, the Italian lowcoster Ernest Airlines performed its maiden flight to Kyiv.

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