The Ukrainian government is to immediately strengthen the security of Russian diplomatic missions and other agencies of the Russian Federation state structures in the territory of Ukraine. Moreover, this is to be done in a demonstrated way, Gorshenin Institute experts are convinced.
"Outwardly, the attacks on agencies of the Russian Federation may seem in the recent days as a patriotic outburst, reaction to the trial over Nadiya Savchenko and the war in Donbas. Though, taking into consideration that Russia in its anticorruption actions constantly uses hybrid schemes, attacks on diplomatic missions resemble attacks on German objects next to the Polish border in 1939 conducted by German special groups changed into the Polish uniform in 1939," Gorshenin Institute states. "Anyways, attacks on diplomatic missions may create a legitimate base for intrusion. Do not treat Zhirinovsky’s words concerning Russian spetsnaz in Kiev too carelessly. It is a well-known fact that Zhirinovsky "reveals" what the Kremlin thinks.
Experts of Gorshenin Institute emphasize, "In this case, it is difficult to tell a patriotic outburst from provocations, but if attacks on diplomatic missions are carried out by patriots, they should be explained the possible tragic consequences for the country. If these are enemies, they have to be isolated. Responding to the provocations, we are following again the Russian agenda. Ukraine has enough instruments besides the "public anger" to react to the Russian aggression at the trial over Nadiya Savchenko.
As reported before, young people have pelt the Russian embassy in Kiev with bottles with brilliant green and eggs in Kiev today.
On the night of 6 March, strangers attacked the embassy of the Russian Federation in Kiev and broke windows of the cars parked next to the building.
In Odessa, the embassy was pelt with eggs and paint.