The National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) carries out the seizure of documents in Oschadbank within criminal proceedings on the special confiscation of 1.5 bn dollars, arrested on the accounts of former President Viktor Yanukovych and his entourage.
A source in law enforcement told Ukrainian News on Wednesday, 27 December that Kyiv's Solomyanskyy district court warranted the seizure of documents related to offshore companies.
"NABU detectives investigate into illegal actions of the bank's officials suspected of writing-off of the assets in favour of the budget," the agency quoted the source as saying.
NABU investigates at least three criminal proceedings on suspicion of unlawful handling of arrested property and embezzlement.
Almost 1.5 bn dollars belonging to the entourage of Viktor Yanukovych have been confiscated from Oschadbank and Privatbank accounts as part of a court verdict against Arkady Kashkin, an ally of the runaway oligarch Serhiy Kurchenko.
NAABU since November has reportedly investigated into the confiscation of this money. Most of the assets were on form the domestic government bonds, some bought by fugitive MP Oleksandr Onishchenko from the cronies of Yanukovych.
Last week, NABU detectives searched the State Finance Committee in the same case.