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Scoop of the day: New coronavirus record, Manher in custody

Scoop of the day: New coronavirus record, Manher in custody


Ukraine has registered another record-high number of new coronavirus cases per day, 921. There have been a total of 34,984 Covid-19 cases, including 985 deaths and 16,033 recoveries, since the start of the epidemic.

According to Chief Sanitarian Officer Viktor Lyashko, it is too early to talk about the return to a nationwide strict quarantine. Decisions will be taken locally, depending on the situation in the region.

The Cabinet of Ministers has published a resolution extending the adaptive quarantine until 31 July and updating the rules of its observance.

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal has said that the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic has begun in Ukraine. "Very many people stopped observing the quarantine rules, having decided that the coronavirus has disappeared and there is no chance of infection. As a result, we have nearly 1,000 infected people today confirmed by testing," he said.

According to doctors, the load on hospitals designated to receive coronavirus patients has increased significantly, with Kyiv's Oleksandrivska hospital and those in Transcarpathian Region reporting exhausting the capacity.

Ukraine has opened all checkpoints on the border with the EU and Moldova.

Hungary has resumed bus services to Ukraine.

Lviv airport has resumed operation after the coronavirus quarantine.

Ukraine International Airlines has opened a PCR and antigen test lab in Kyiv Boryspil airport to carry out coronavirus tests. Initially, the airline plans to test its crews.

Handzyuk's case

Kyiv's Pecherskyy district court has arrested Kherson regional council head Vladyslav Manher, who is suspected of involvement in the deadly attack on anti-corruption activist Kateryna Handzyuk, until 28 July.


One Ukrainian serviceman was killed and one wounded amid 14 attacks by the Russian occupying troops in Donbas on 18 June.

Two Ukrainian servicemen were wounded by a mine blast during engineering reconnaissance near Novotoshkivske in Luhansk Region. They were admitted to hospital.

Defence industry

The first vice-president of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Volodymyr Horbulin became a member of the supervisory board of the state-owned defence concern Ukroboronprom instead of presidential chief of staff Andriy Yermak.


Parliament has appointed Roman Abramovskyy minister of environmental protection and natural resources.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has appointed Ihor Lyyy acting head of the State Affairs Directorate.

Zelenskyy has appointed a former head of the State Affairs Directorate and comedian, Serhiy Borzov, as head of the Vinnytsya regional state administration instead of Vladyslav Sokalskyy.

Deputy Foreign Minister Yehor Bozhok has requested a suspension for the period of an investigation into one of the cases against ex-President Petro Poroshenko, in which he is also mentioned.

MP Svyatoslav Vakarchuk has left the faction of his Voice party after parliament refused to accept his resignation as MP. Now, the party will be able to expel him from its election list, which will automatically strip him of his mandate.

New party

The mayors of Dnipro, Mykolayiv, Kropyvnytskyy, Zhytomyr, Kakhovka and Chernivtsi have set up a new party, Propozytsiya. They insist that they are a party of professionals, not mayors, seeking to boost the role of local self-government.


Fourteen Ukrainian sailors from the Ruta ship who have spent three years in a Libyan prison have returned to Ukraine.


A policeman in Dnipro got shot when he was detaining a suspected criminal. The officer succumbed to several pistol wounds.

The National Anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine has declared former Infrastructure Minister Volodymyr Omelyan in the case of the unlawful reduction of portal fees, as a result of which the budget had failed to receive 30.4m hryvnyas.

Konotop mayor Artem Semenikhin has said that he has found items resembling combat grenades in the trunk of his car. There were five of them without fuses, he added, suggesting it was an attempt on his life.


Some MPs are collecting signatures in favour of the dismissal of Serhiy Babak as head of the committee for education, science and innovations, according to pro-presidential MP Geo Leros. He suggested that it has to do with the committee's refusal to support Serhiy Shkarlet for education and science minister. Leros criticized the move, recalling that Shkarlet was close to one of the ministers in Viktor Yanukovych's government.


Archeologist Tymur Bobrovskyy has found dozens of items from the Kyiv Pechersk museum, which have been considered lost for good after the Bolsheviks removed them in the 1930s, in the catalogue of the State Historical Museum in Moscow.

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