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Shmyhal: More than 100 international agreements signed in Berlin at Conference on Restoration of Ukraine

Their estimated value is about €16 billion.

Shmyhal: More than 100 international agreements signed in Berlin at Conference on Restoration of Ukraine
Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal
Photo: Cabinet of Ministers

More than 100 international agreements were signed at the Conference on Restoring Ukraine in Berlin, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said

"The third Ukraine Recovery Conference has come to an end in Berlin. Our team, led by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, has achieved very practical results. In total, more than 100 international agreements were signed. These include projects in the energy sector, defence industry, rebuilding social and critical infrastructure, and economic recovery. Their estimated value, according to the German side, is about €16 billion," Shmyhal said. 

In the energy sector:

  • The United States will provide $824 million to support Ukraine's energy infrastructure.
  • An agreement has been signed with Germany for €30 million to improve the reliability of our energy system.
  • The World Bank will provide an additional $47 million grant to be used to purchase thermal equipment for Kharkiv. 
  • The EU will provide an additional 1,000 generators and solar panels. This is in support of our efforts to decentralise the energy system.
  • We have signed memoranda with many leading companies on decentralised electricity generation, increasing the use of renewable energy sources, introducing energy-efficient technologies, building smart grids and restoring hydroelectric power plants. 

In the field of finance and economy: 

  • We held a meeting of the Multi-Donor Coordination Platform for the first time at the ministerial level. I told the finance ministers of our partner countries about Ukraine's needs and our challenges. We have excellent coordination. 
  • By the end of June, Ukraine will receive another €1.9 billion in budgetary funding from the EU.
  • The United States, together with Ukraine, is working on the allocation of $7.8 billion in budget support, as well as $1.5 billion for economic recovery. 
  • We signed the first guarantee agreements with the European Union worth EUR 1.4 billion under the investment component of the Ukraine Facility programme. 
  • We launched the SME Resilience Alliance for Ukraine. This is a commitment to support our SMEs worth over €7 billion.
  • Together with our partners, we launched the Skills Alliance. The aim of this initiative is to provide retraining opportunities for tens of thousands of Ukrainians. The planned budget is €700 million for three years.
  • The US DFC announced funding for risk insurance worth $350 million. This will bring more foreign investment into our economy. 
  • Ukraine will receive a $230 million grant from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to improve sea and rail connections. 
  • The world's leading companies and business associations from the US, EU, Canada, UK, and Norway have set up a Business Advisory Council to increase investment in our country. 

There were many other agreements and projects in addition to energy, finance, and economics:

  • Over €185 million has been allocated for the restoration and development of healthcare. An agreement was signed between Ukraine and the Council of Europe Development Bank for €100 million. 
  • We also signed an agreement with the EIB for €100 million to modernise social services and rebuild critical infrastructure. 
  • We continue to attract funding from our partners to rebuild the housing of Ukrainians. An agreement for EUR 100 million was signed with the Council of Europe Development Bank to continue the government's eRestore programme. 

In total, we have signed agreements worth almost EUR 260 million to restore destroyed housing.

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