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Seoul says North Korea sends almost five million artillery shells to Russia

Putin intends to visit Pyongyang next week. 

Seoul says North Korea sends almost five million artillery shells to Russia

North Korea has sent containers to Russia that could hold nearly 5 million artillery shells. This was stated by South Korean Defence Minister Shin Wonsik, Bloomberg reports.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is likely to ask for more ammunition during his upcoming visit to Pyongyang next week. This trip to the DPRK will be the first for the Russian leader since July 2000.

Seoul has discovered at least 10,000 shipping containers being shipped from the DPRK to Russia, which could contain 4.8 million artillery shells similar to those used by Russia against Ukraine.

"Putin is expected to seek closer security cooperation with North Korea, especially on military supplies, including artillery shells," Shin said. 

According to him, North Korea has also sent dozens of ballistic missiles to Russia.

In exchange for the munitions, Russia has sent North Korea technology to help Pyongyang deploy a number of reconnaissance satellites, as well as weapons such as tanks and aircraft. 

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