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Cabinet of Ministers amends procedure for keeping military records: now without military registration, remotely

The Cabinet of Ministers has made a number of significant changes to the procedure for maintaining military records and to the procedure for conscription.

Cabinet of Ministers amends procedure for keeping military records: now without military registration, remotely
Mobilisation, passing the medical examination
Photo: Judicial and legal newspaper

The Cabinet of Ministers has introduced a number of significant changes to the procedure for maintaining military records and to the procedure for conscription. In particular, persons under the age of 25 are not sent to a military medical commission for a medical examination.

This is stated in government resolutions of 7 June 2024 and 16 May 2024, Censor.NET reports with reference to the Judicial and Legal Newspaper. 

In particular, on 12 June, the government website published Resolution No. 675 of 7 June 2024, which amended the:

  • The Procedure for Organising and Maintaining Military Records of Conscripts, Persons Liable for Military Service and Reservists, approved by Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 1487,
  • the Procedure for the Conscription of Citizens for Military Service during Mobilisation and for a Special Period, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of 16 May 2024, No. 560.

The conditions for deferment for caregivers who have one of their parents with a Group II disability or one of the parents of a spouse with a Group II disability have been removed from the requirement to have a conclusion from a medical examination committee - previously, it had to be submitted by the person requiring care.

It is also envisaged that Ukrainians who were deregistered from the military register due to leaving Ukraine for more than 3 months will be able to apply for military registration through a foreign diplomatic mission without the need to appear in person at the TRC.

Without undergoing a military medical commission

According to the documents, "the procedure for granting a postponement of military service during mobilisation due to reservation does not provide for referral to a military medical commission for a medical examination".

Also, before reaching the age of 25, persons who have completed basic military training or basic military service are not referred to a military medical commission for a medical examination.

"During martial law, conscripts are sent to the military medical commission for medical examination only if they are accepted for military service on a voluntary basis," the resolution says.

Also, the Military Medical Commission will no longer provide for a procedure for granting deferment for certain officials.

"In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers has made changes to the possibility of the MCC sending an appeal to the National Police for administrative detention and delivery of persons who violate the rules of military registration and legislation on mobilisation in electronic form," the publication notes.

Who can be registered remotely

It is noted that military registration is carried out in the presence of a foreign passport in case of submission of an application for military registration through a foreign diplomatic mission of Ukraine in accordance with subparagraph 10-1 of paragraph 1 of Annex 2 and a military registration document, if it has been issued and not lost.

"Citizens of Ukraine who have been deregistered from the military register due to leaving Ukraine for more than 3 months are obliged to register for military service within 30 days from the date of entry into force of the CMU Resolution No. 563 of 16 May 2024 in one of the following ways

  • arriving in person at the TRC;
  • by submitting an application for military registration in any form together with the information specified in Annex 4 to the Procedure for Organising and Maintaining Military Registration of Conscripts, Persons Liable for Military Service and Reservists, and a copy of the first page of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad to the CMC, which removed such a citizen of Ukraine from military registration, through a foreign diplomatic mission of Ukraine," the publication explains. 

The application is submitted by a citizen of Ukraine to a foreign diplomatic mission of Ukraine in person together with the passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad, which, after acceptance of the application, is returned to the citizen of Ukraine, or by postal means together with a copy of the first page of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad.

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