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NABU, SAPO expose two prosecutors of Prosecutor General's Office on receiving $170 thousand bribe

In return for the bribe, they had to decide to close the criminal proceedings.

NABU,  SAPO expose two prosecutors of Prosecutor General's Office on receiving $170 thousand bribe
Prosecutors caught taking bribes
Photo: NABU

Prosecutors of the Prosecutor General's Office were found to have received an undue benefit of USD 170,000. They received a USD 170,000 bribe for making a decision to close criminal proceedings.

This is stated in a statement by the NABU and the Prosecutor General's Office. 

One of the prosecutors was detained after receiving the bribe. He was served a notice of suspicion under Part 4 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The issue of serving a notice of suspicion to other participants in the crime is being resolved.

Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin reacted to the disclosure. According to him, the officials were exposed yesterday by the SAPO and the NABU. One of them was detained at his workplace. 

"Such cases only confirm the need for continuous development of the system of preventing corruption in law enforcement agencies," he wrote in a telegram. 

He also noted that this is a "strong signal" of support for all honest employees, and the prosecutor's office will "jointly expose and prosecute those who defame the honour of the profession and undermine its reputation."

Kostin reminded that in 2024, the Prosecutor General's Office and pre-trial investigation agencies brought six prosecutors in different regions of the country to criminal responsibility for corruption and other abuses.

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