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Ukraine set to slap mirror restrictions on Russia trade, transit of goods, says minister

The import duties will be hiked on Russian exports.

Ukraine set to slap mirror restrictions on Russia trade, transit of goods, says minister
Stepan Kubiv
Photo: Photo: broadcast snap

The Cabinet of Ministers announced plans to introduce retaliatory "mirror" restrictions on trade with Russia and the transit of Russian goods through Ukrainian territory, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Trade Stepan Stepan Kubiv said at a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada on 4 July.

Kubiv said the retaliatory policies will be within the international practice an in line with the international law.

"There also will be a "mirrored" raise in duties on imported Russian goods," the official said, noting that Ukraine is against a trade war.

Russia has banned the direct transit of goods from Ukraine to Kyrgyzstan. The decree came into force on July 1 and will be in force until 31 December 2017. Similar transit restrictions on the delivery of goods from Ukraine to Kazakhstan will also be extended until that date.

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