For a whole week now, Ukraine has been repelling the Russian occupiers. Neither Russia nor the West believed that we would hold out a week.
Only Ukrainians believed in it. By February 24, two-thirds of citizens were convinced that in the event of a full-scale Russian invasion, we would survive. Today, almost 90% of them, said the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov on Facebook.
"This is the result of the heroism of our defenders. This is the result of the professional actions of our command. This is the dedication of each of you. Our doctors, rescuers, utilities, railways, journalists, financiers keep their front. The country has not stopped and is fighting," he wrote.
Reznikov especially noted the heads of civil-military administrations and mayors who are at the forefront today.
"Chernihiv, Sumy, Konotop, Kharkiv, Mariupol, Kherson, Mykolayiv are the outposts of Europe. Our army has already destroyed thousands of occupiers. And so much enemy equipment that the armies of several countries could be armed. Our air professionals have already become legends. Paratroopers, infantry, and artillery are all proving that Ukrainians are the best," he wrote.
Reznikov reminded that he called on citizens to total resistance and destruction of enemy communications.
The Russian occupiers feared a disgraceful defeat and began to commit crimes against humanity. They fired on hospitals, killed women and children. This is no longer an army - these are ordinary cowards and terrorists. There are still many trials ahead. There will be blood, tears, pain. We have every reason to be confident. And everyone around us. We will definitely win. Glory to Ukraine!", he summed up.
We remind, that everyone, who is ready and knows how to take the weapon in his hands, can get to the territorial defense. Information about the addresses of the brigades and battalions of the defense - on the site Also, the head of the National Police of Ukraine Ihor Klymenko ordered the heads of the main departments of the National Police in the regions to hand over weapons to veterans of internal affairs.
Ukrainians can donate blood in hospitals for wounded soldiers.
The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that it is important for everyone to continue working. The banking system of Ukraine has all the necessary resources. Some restrictions have been temporarily imposed, in particular on cash withdrawals - up to UAH 100,000 per day.
The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has opened a special account to raise funds for the needs of the Ukrainian army - you can join the support of defenders, in particular, from abroad. Bank account details: UA843000010000000047330992708.
The recipe for a Molotov cocktail from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to invade enemy vehicles can be found at the link. A chatbot to report road markings left by the occupiers is here.