At the intersection of two towns, there is a house that has a piece missing. But as a Borodianka kitchen cabinet with a rooster, the one with twists in Hostomel is also holding on.

Some people still live in this house. Volunteers bring them food. They cook something on an open fire.

The man is drinking coffee. He lives next door. Generally speaking, his house survived. But the next one, his brother's house, was damaged badly. He left Hostomel on 9 March 2022, when there were combats on the streets. But now he has returned home. When he needs to cook something, he goes to his neighbour's house, where an old lady lives. She has a gas cylinder at home, which volunteers brought her.

One family lives in a house with doors constantly open because they do not close. They are not going to leave. They feed dogs, both their own and of other people. In general, there are many animals in Hostomel. Volunteers leave food on the streets for all of them.

Horenka was not occupied, but there were combat actions within the town because the Ukrainian army was driving the russian militaries out. The houses in the town were damaged mainly because they were fired upon by russian artillery, trying to get to Ukrainian positions. Rescuers do not rule out the possibility of remote mining, so a week ago, no one was allowed here - they worked on demining. Electricians are already working in Horenka to restore the electricity supply in the buildings.
Near the ruined house, an old lady collects grass for her hens with her bare hands. Her name is Marina Fomentsova. Before the war, she had 80 hens. Only three survived. Her house exploded after the shelling. She had to move to the basement of another house.

The library in Horenka survived, but the windows were broken. Books were put in the boxes. Behind the library, there is a line of burned-out houses.
In the next yard, everything also is smashed. The residents tried to put their homes in order somehow, but some things could no longer be saved, so people just demolished the remains of the walls so that they did not fall and no one was hurt.
There are many open apartments with broken doors in the apartment buildings of Hostomel. Locals say some apartments have already been looted. There is not even furniture left. However, things remained in place in many homes, waiting for their owners. Some have already managed to return but do not stay for long; they take everything that was preserved and go back to their temporary homes.