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Latvian Foreign Minister: Some states provide Ukraine with weapons without prohibiting shelling of Russian territory

International law allows our state to strike at the targets from which the enemy attacks Ukraine.

Latvian Foreign Minister: Some states provide Ukraine with weapons without prohibiting shelling of Russian territory
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Baiba Braže

Ukraine needs not only air defence systems and ammunition, but also precision weapons to strike at Russian territory. Currently, there are countries that provide aid without prohibiting it from being used to attack Russia.

This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Baiba Braže, in an interview with Yevropeiska Pravda.

According to her, our state can shell the targets in Russia from which the aggressor country attacks Ukrainians, as international law allows it.

Kyiv receives weapons from its Western partners, who publicly warn against using them in Russia. But there are exceptions, Braže said.

‘There are already countries that have already provided Ukraine with weapons without such restrictions... Not everything is announced publicly, and it is even better not to say it out loud until a certain time. The main thing is the impact on the battlefield. Because there is a choice here: either to speak out loudly or just to do what is necessary,’ the minister said.

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