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Lubinets: official figures show almost 1700 civilian Ukrainians in Russian prisons

About 14,000 civilians are officially considered missing.

Lubinets: official figures show almost 1700 civilian Ukrainians in Russian prisons
Dmytro Lubinets
Photo: Max Trebukhov

According to official figures, almost 1700 Ukrainian civilians are being held in detention in Russia, of which almost 900 have been confirmed by the International Committee of the Red Cross.

This was reported by the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets following a meeting of the working group on the protection of civilian rights and freedoms. 

At the same time, about 14,000 civilians are officially registered as missing.

"The problem is that the Russian side classifies many captured civilians as prisoners of war, but according to Ukrainian law, they are civilians," Lubinets said.

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