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Interior Ministry says there is no need to evacuate Kharkiv residents

Hostile Russian telegram channels spread fake news about the evacuation on behalf of the State Emergency Service.

Interior Ministry says there is no need to evacuate Kharkiv residents
Evacuation of residents of Kharkiv Region
Photo: Oleh Synyehubov

There is currently no need to evacuate Kharkiv residents.

This was reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, commenting on the appearance of a fake news spread by hostile telegram channels.

"Hostile telegram channels are spreading messages allegedly from the State Emergency Service of Ukraine calling for evacuation from the city of Kharkiv to a safer place. As proof, they show a photo of a phone screen with the message on it. In fact, this is another hostile fake aimed at sowing panic among the public. There is currently no need to evacuate Kharkiv residents," the ministry said.

Ukrainians were urged to trust only official sources of information and not to let Russia mislead them.

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