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Lithuanian government allocates €13.5m for purchase of radars for Ukraine

This year, Lithuania will buy four radars for alerts for Ukraine.

Lithuanian government allocates €13.5m for purchase of radars for Ukraine

The Lithuanian government will allocate €13.5 million to Ukraine to purchase radars that will improve warning and visual alerts of a Russian attack.

This was announced by the country's Defence Minister Laurynas Kasčiūnas, Delfi reports.

Thus, Lithuania has joined the German air defence coalition. According to Kasčiūnas, Lithuania wants to buy four radars for Ukraine this year. 

"They will improve alerting, visual warning, and then the ability to destroy all air objects," the defence minister said. 

According to the minister, the radars will be purchased at Ukraine's request. 

  • The Lithuanian government has approved a resolution prepared by the country's Ministry of Finance to allocate 5 million euros to Ukraine's education sector.
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