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Russians steal over 10,000 exhibits from Kherson Art Museum

The fake ‘Minister of Culture of the Kherson Region’ claims to have stolen 12,000 paintings from the museum. 

Russians steal over 10,000 exhibits from Kherson Art Museum
Consequences of Russian shelling of the Art Museum in Kherson in November 2022. Illustrative photo
Photo: Yuriy Sobolevskyy

The press service of the Kherson Art Museum has denied the information spread by the fake ‘Minister of Culture of the Kherson Region’ Lahoyskyy.

This refers to Lahoyskyy's statement that Russians have 12,000 paintings from the Kherson Art Museum and they are now in a museum in Simferopol.

"We officially declare that more than 10,000 museum objects were stolen from the Kherson Art Museum," the museum said. 

Among the stolen items are not only paintings, but also graphic works and 12 sculptures, including a majolica by Mykhaylo Vrubel. 

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