How does recruitment for civilians work?
It all starts with an application on the Third Assault Brigade's website and an invitation to one of the four recruitment centres: in Kyiv, Lviv, Dnipro or Odesa. You can also apply to the centre yourself: the addresses and opening hours are freely available. The brigade does not pass on information about potential recruits to the TRC, and the final decision whether to serve or not is always up to the visitor. If the decision is positive, the recruitment centre provides full support until the moment of registration in the unit. From the first day, even before the volunteer arrives at the training centre, the Third Brigade begins its own basic military training.

"There is a period of basic combined arms training (BZVP) in training centres, and then there is the pre-BZVP period, which takes place with us. People who later go to training centres from our recruitment centre often say that we provided them with a much higher level of knowledge than they received at the training centres. In other words, from the very start, a person begins to understand that they are being looked after, that effort is being invested in them, and that they are not being neglected," said Dmytro Kukharchuk, head of recruitment for the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade.

According to him, recruitment centres add more than 500 recruits to the brigade every month. November 2024 was a record-breaking month, when the number of recruits reached 565. The dynamics are positive compared to 2023.
What are the most effective tools?
Apt advertising campaigns attract attention to the unit, while trust is built on the results on the battlefield, the reputation of the unit and its command in society. Good old-fashioned word of mouth also helps: anyone looking for a unit can write to the Third Assault Brigade and ask about the atmosphere in the brigade, training, support and attitude towards the soldiers.
"We have a human-centred brigade. We invest in people, we take care of people, we value every life... This is primarily achieved through a high level of medicine, a patronage service that takes care of all the wounded and the families of the deceased, and a high level of planning that minimises the number of losses," said the recruiting manager.

Who are we looking for and what are the requirements for recruits?
The main thing is motivation and a stable psychological and mental state. Candidates for combat positions will also need to improve their physical fitness: professional combat instructors teach them everything they need to know. For candidates for rear-guard positions, qualifications, desire and inspiration are enough.
HR specialists communicate with the heads of structural units and look for candidates for specific vacancies - just like in large commercial companies. Everyone is needed: electricians, mechanics, drivers, representatives of technical professions, IT specialists and others. In short, every person who wants to fulfil themselves will find a place at the Third Assault Brigade.
The greatest need now is for specialists in the field of UAVs, as unmanned systems account for up to 80% of the damage at the front: "The staffing structure of UAV units is massively increasing. We need people to lift mavics, FPVs, bombers, wings. In each case, there are separate crews: assistants, drivers, specialists who make ammunition, and many others."

Digital is not enough
To achieve results, the brigade has to be flexible. This works both on the battlefield and in communications, said press officer Oleksandr Borodin. For example, the I love the Third Assault Brigade advertising campaign was made in a pin-up style to attract the attention of young men, and the current Universe of the Third Assault Brigade campaign took into account the current information background and mood in society. However, digital alone is not enough to achieve the recruitment goals - the brigade pays great attention to offline projects for civilians. After all, no amount of advertising can replace live communication with the soldiers, immerse them in the atmosphere of the unit and make them feel like a part of it.
"Before becoming a soldier, a person must feel what it is like. They will not understand war - these are civilian projects, but if we are talking about Test Week, they will understand what it means to live in discipline, in a certain mode, in a team. This is a very important component. In fact, the army has a problem in the context of the transition of so-called leaders to real people who come [to serve], that it is impossible to try yourself. You are either a civilian or a soldier. There are no other options," said Borodin.
Offline projects for civilians
The Test Week mentioned by the press officer is a unique project for the Ukrainian army, where participants can try themselves in the role of the military. For seven days, experienced soldiers conduct training for civilians, teaching them combat tactics, providing them with a basic understanding of tactics, weapons handling, infantryman, UAV operator, and sapper. The training culminates in a knowledge test and a physical test. Although the Test Week does not oblige the participants to do anything, about half of them remain in the brigade.
"The project was created to open the veil to society. To show that the army is not scary, that there are people just like you, just in uniform, and that there is work for everyone. We give absolutely everyone the opportunity to try their hand at infantry, to dig trenches, to storm and defend. Without summonses and contracts, to try yourself in the role of a soldier, to pump yourself up, to feel our spirit, ideology and our strength," explained the project's chief sergeant with the call sign Student.