The Centre for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine has said that, together with the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), uncovered a…
Ukrainian intelligence considers that the Telegram messenger poses a number of threats to Ukraine's security, so it is necessary to look for solutions to this problem, Ukrinform reported…
The Security Service of Ukraine neutralized more than 250 powerful cyberattacks, disarmed a dozen botnets and blocked 50,000 accounts in social networks in two months. That was reported…
Since the war’s beginning, the Security Service of Ukraine liquidated 5 enemy bot-farms, amounting to over 100 thousand fake accounts, reported the press service of the SSU. They were…
The most popular social networking site in Ukraine is Facebook, which is used by 35.5% of Ukrainians, the Ukrinform news agency has quoted a deputy director of the Kyiv