About 20 people, including former Deputy Prosecutor General Vitaliy Kasko and head of the Center for Counteraction to Corruption Vitaliy Shabunin on 3 October staged a protest rally near the building of the Verkhovna Rada committees, an LB.ua correspondent reported.
The protesters demand not to adopt a bill submitted the head of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction Ihor Hryniv, that suggests that officials' cars and gifts obtained by them may not be indicated in their electronic income declarations.
The rally also protests against possible adoption of a bill that, in their opinion, will increase the powers of the Prosecutor-General's Office and reduce the powers of the National Anti-Vorruption Bureau.
"Hryniv wants to continue deceiving people and kill NABU. A number of European countries do not want to give Ukraine visa-free regime. The disruption of e-declaration is a great reason for them not to provide visa liberalisation. The presidential administration puts visa-free regime at risk," Shabunin said.
He subjected the work of chief prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko to harsh criticism.
"All the cases that Lutsenko opens end up in a flop. He must stop the PR campaign instead of seeking more powers. The authorities overstepped the mark."
On 29 September, the head of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction Ihor Hryniv registered a bill №5192, which proposes to close some of the information in the e-declarations of officials from public access, arguing that information about cars, gifts and cash assets may not be published in public domain.