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College building collapsed in western Ukraine

No casualties reported.

A three-story building of the Economic and Legal College of the Kyiv National Trade and Economic University collapsed in the city of Kolomyya, Ivano-Frankivsk Region, the local website Kurs reported on Monday, 15 May.


Two rescue teams are working on the site. The State Service for Emergency Situations have reported no casualties,

The employees of the college said they first saw insulation of the building wall began to swell and then they heard a crack, after the emergency siren was turned on and students and staff were promptly evacuated from the building.

The college is located in the former administrative industrial building at Bohdan Khmelnitsky St..

Police opened a probe into the incident.

Last October, several floors of a school built in 1965, collapsed in the city of Vasylkiv, Kiev Region,. Fortunately, there was no casualties.

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