The Security Service of Ukraine has released a video address by the mother of Russian pilot Alexey Golovenskyy from the temporarily occupied Crimea. The woman lives in Kremenchuk in Poltava region.
On March 5 Major Alexey Golovenskyy’s plane Su-25 was shot down over Mykolaiv. He was taken prisoner.
He said he was serving in the Saky military unit in the occupied Crimea. Starting from February 24, 2022, Golovenskyy made 7 combat sorties to the zones along the coastline of the Black and Azov Seas for the purpose of radar reconnaissance, radio technical reconnaissance, cover, etc.
The mother of the downed pilot learned from the news that her son had been taken prisoner.
The woman apologized for not being able to "raise a decent human being."
On March 11, Major Golovenskyy, along with two other captured Russian pilots, gave a press conference during which he called on the Russian military not to fight against Ukraine.