The US Embassy in Ukraine published an excerpt of the transcript of the Nuremberg Trials on the Ukrainian city of Mariupol.
"Before their retreat from Mariupol the German occupational authorities burned down all the 68 schools, 17 kindergartens...and the Palace of the Pioneers." So Putin is accusing who of Nazism? "- asked American diplomats.
Зі стенограми Нюрнберзького процесу, день 68: «Перед відступом з Маріуполя німецька окупаційна влада спалила всі 68 шкіл міста, 17 дитячих садків... і Палац піонерів». То кого Путін звинувачує в нацизмі? @FranHirsch
— U.S. Embassy Kyiv (@USEmbassyKyiv) March 23, 2022
From the transcript of the Nuremberg Trials, Day 68: "Before their retreat from Mariupol the German occupational authorities burned down all the 68 schools, 17 kindergartens...and the Palace of the Pioneers." So Putin is accusing who of Nazism? @FranHirsch
As you know, Russia brutally destroys the civilian infrastructure of Mariupol. The enemy shelled the maternity hospital and two shelters with civilians - drama theater and art school.
In addition, the Russians opened fire on evacuation buses with children.