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Zhadan about Kharkiv: There is no fear here, there is anger and anxiety, for the whole city is a potential target

A video with Ukrainian writer Serhiy Zhadan, who is staying in Kharkiv and volunteering, has been posted on the „Ukrainian Witness” YouTube channel.

Zhadan about Kharkiv: There is no fear here, there is anger and anxiety, for the whole city is a potential target
Photo: Volodymyr Shevchuk

Ukrainian writer Serhiy Zhadan, commenting on the situation in Kharkiv, on the mood of the citizens, expressed the opinion, that people have no fear, but anger and anxiety "for the whole city is a potential target."

The video with the writer and his interview were posted on the „Ukrainian Witness” project YouTube channel.

Since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, Sergei Zhadan is staying in Kharkiv and has been volunteering.

"We will have to look for the words to name our emotions for a long time. I have not yet chosen these words for myself, I’m in the process. It is very difficult sometimes to speak and find the proper intonation to explain how I do feel," says the writer.

According to him, the city is courageous, but is a potential target, and some areas look quite apocalyptic. "You see what could have happened to the whole city if our guys hadn't stopped them immediately," Zhadan notes.

During the war he presented the book "Lulla-, f…ck,-by " in the bomb shelter. Zhadan assures that after the victory Ukrainians will return to the pre-war cultural reality.

"The cultural component adds some normality to life, and war is basically the maximum abnormality of realness and reality. Even if culture is not able to compete with guns and missiles, it is still able to work as a remedy for us to still recognize ourselves," says the writer.

In this war, Zhadan finds no place for art subtext. He is convinced that Ukrainians are currently in historical gestalt closure process.

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If you became a Ukrainian Witness and have videos from the scene: destroyed infrastructure, results of shell bombing, damaged enemy vehicles, pro-Ukrainian rallies - send them to e-mail: [email protected].

Just to remind: „Ukrainian Witness” project was launched by Vitaliy Deinega, the founder of the „Return Alive» Fund for the Ukrainian Army.

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