The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has collected indisputable evidence implicating two more Russian agents who collected intelligence on the deployment of the Defence Forces in the Luhansk sector and ratted ATO participants out to the Russians.
One of the suspects is the rector of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) church in Lysychansk.
"He passed to the occupiers information about the combat positions of Ukrainian troops in the city, as well as in the area of Severodonetsk," the SBU said.
He also informed the Russians about local patriots who could potentially resist the occupation.
Law enforcers detained the criminal as a result of a special operation in April this year. Based on the collected evidence, the court sentenced him to 12 years in prison.
According to the information established by the investigation, the cleric was involved in cooperation with a representative of the Russian occupying army during the former's trip to Russia in 2014.
Since then, one of Luhansk separatist military chieftains, who took an active part in hostilities against the ATO forces in eastern Ukraine, has been in constant contact with the priest.
In addition, the SBU exposed another priest of the UOC-MP in Luhansk Region who voluntarily cooperated with the Russians.
While staying in the temporarily occupied territory of eastern Ukraine, he informed the Russians on the locations of resistance movement members, in particular former ATO fighters.
According to preliminary data under his "guidance" that Russians abducted two Ukrainian patriots.
He is hiding from justice in the occupied part of eastern Ukraine.