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Ambassador: Germany to hand over IRIS-T air defence system to Ukraine in May

The German Ambassador reminded that Germany will supply air defence systems to Ukraine until 2026.

Ambassador: Germany to hand over IRIS-T air defence system to Ukraine in May
IRIS-T anti-aircraft missile system

Ukraine will receive an additional IRIS-T air defence system from Germany in May, German Ambassador Martin Jaeger said during a telethon, reports.

"We already have some systems (IRIS-T - ed.) here, and now another system will arrive in May. In addition, we promised Ukraine that we would supply more such systems this year, next year and in 2026," he said.

Jaeger reminded that Ukraine is due to receive the third Patriot air defence system from Germany and has already received the Gepard and Skynex anti-aircraft systems, and stressed that Germany is working to expand Ukraine's air defence system.

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