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CCD: Personnel changes in Russian government show Putin plans long war of attrition

This is not only about the war in Ukraine, but also about a long-lasting confrontation with NATO. 

CCD: Personnel changes in Russian government show Putin plans long war of attrition
Patriarch Kirill, Vladimir Putin and Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu (archived photo)
Photo: EPA/UPG

Personnel changes in the Russian leadership indicate Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin's intention to intensify the fight against Ukraine and the West, rather than his readiness for peace talks.

This was reported by the Centre for Countering Disinformation.

"Personnel changes in the Russian government indicate that all Putin's statements about his readiness to negotiate are just an attempt to mislead Ukraine and the West. The demotion of Nikolay Patrushev, who was considered to be the main supervisor of the security forces, to the status of an advisor indicates a certain dissatisfaction with his performance. The appointment of economist Belousov to head the Defence Ministry means that Putin plans to wage a long war of attrition, which requires a military buildup. This is not only about the war in Ukraine, but also about the ongoing confrontation with NATO," the CCD noted.

At the same time, the retention of the post of First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration by Serhiy Kiriyenko, who is responsible for Russian information warfare against Ukraine, means that the Kremlin will continue to pay great attention to information warfare and propaganda.

The CCD predicts that along with the intensification of Russian activity on the frontline, Russian ISRPs will intensify, aimed at internal destabilisation in Ukraine and disruption of mobilisation. 

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