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Bloomberg: US consider sending another Patriot battery to Ukraine

The US wants to send one more battery along with the radars. 

Bloomberg: US consider sending another Patriot battery to Ukraine
MIM-104A Patriot anti-aircraft missile system.
Photo: EPA/UPG

The United States is considering sending another Patriot battery to Ukraine. The administration of President Joe Biden is working on this, Bloomberg writes.

The United States wants to send one battery along with the radars. European allies are also working on the possibility of sending Ukraine additional air defence systems from their stockpiles.

The day before, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said during a meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that Ukraine needs two Patriot systems to protect Kharkiv and the Region. 

Funds for the new Patriot system are likely to be allocated from the $61 billion package recently approved by Congress.

As noted in the publication, strengthening Ukraine's air defence is a priority for the White House after the adoption of the national security package by Congress.

The Patriot battery includes radars and control stations for identifying, tracking and targeting Russian weapons, launchers and support assets. Lockheed Martin Corp. produces the system's missiles, while Raytheon Technologies Corp. makes the radar and ground controls for the system. 

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