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Sumy Region: Russians kill 60-year-old woman

Russian occupants have been shelling the Esman community of Sumy Region since the morning.

Sumy Region: Russians kill 60-year-old woman
shelling of Sumy Region
Photo: Prosecutor's Office of Sumy Region

A 60-year-old woman died as a result of the Russian shelling of the Esman community in Sumy Region. The prosecutor's office opened an investigation.

This is stated in the statement of the Prosecutor's Office of Sumy Region.

"According to the investigation, on 15 May 2024, using methods of warfare prohibited by international law, the occupiers fired artillery at the civilian infrastructure of the Esman community of the Shostka district from 9am for an hour," the statement said.

The Russian attack killed a 60-year-old woman and damaged at least 4 private houses.

Prosecutors, together with other law enforcement officers, are currently documenting the consequences of the shelling.

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