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Another Russian Su-25 attack aircraft shot down by 110th Mechanised Brigade

This is the fourth target destroyed by the soldiers. 

Another Russian Su-25 attack aircraft shot down by 110th Mechanised Brigade
Illustrative photo
Photo: Operational command South

The 110th Separate Mechanised Brigade named after Lieutenant General Marko Bezruchko reported the downing of another Russian Su-25 attack aircraft.

This is stated in a post on the brigade's Facebook page.

"The soldiers of the 110th continue to issue fiery fines to Muscovite pilots for illegal border crossing. We have shot down an enemy Su-25 again, and its remains are now rotting in a Donetsk landing zone," the military said.

This is the fourth such target for the 110th Brigade. They managed to shoot down the first attack aircraft on 4 May, the second on 11 May, the third on 13 May, and the last on 17 May. 

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