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Ministry of Strategic Industries changes criteria for booking defence industry employees

Now companies in the defence industry must meet one of the two criteria.

Ministry of Strategic Industries changes criteria for booking defence industry employees
Artillery shells of 155 mm.

The Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine has amended the criteria for determining enterprises as being of importance to the national economy. 

According to the website of the Ministry of Strategic Industries, compliance with these criteria becomes the basis for reserving employees subject to military service for the period of mobilisation and wartime. 

The changes relate to those criteria that give grounds for reserving 50% of employees, regardless of their military speciality. 

As explained in the Ministry, from now on, enterprises, institutions and organisations involved in the production of goods, performance of works and provision of defence services for the development, manufacture, repair, modernisation and disposal of weapons, military and special equipment, ammunition and their components must meet one of two criteria

  • to be a contractor or co-executor of a state contract with a state customer in the defence sector for the production of goods, performance of works and provision of services referred to in the previous paragraph or a contract for the production of defence goods at the expense of other non-budgetary sources not prohibited by the legislation of Ukraine. 

"At the same time, defence goods must be supplied to military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations. Regardless of the source of financing, more than 50% of the total production of the enterprise must be defence goods, works and services (for the last reporting period)," the Ministry of Strategic Industries stressed.

  • to receive financial state support in the form of grants in accordance with the Procedure for providing financial support for the development of innovations and technologies for defence (Brave1), approved by a government resolution.

The ministry added that these changes actually expand the list of criteria. "The first one combines the two that have been in force so far, adding extra-budgetary sources of funding. And the second one allows companies that are at the stage of developing their product in the defence industry of Ukraine to get a basis for booking," the Ministry of Strategic Development explained.

Nothing changes for those companies that have already started the process according to the current procedure, the ministry added.

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