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Germany raises almost €1bn to strengthen Ukraine's air defence

The Foreign Minister stressed that Ukraine needs to be helped so that its citizens can live freely and Putin's troops do not end up on its western border.

Germany raises almost €1bn to strengthen Ukraine's air defence
SAMM Air defence
Photo: British Ministry of Defence

Germany has raised almost one billion euros to strengthen Ukraine's air defence. This is stated in a statement by German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock published on the government's website.

Berlin is actively working to increase the amount of assistance. Baerbock stressed the need to "join forces so that Ukraine survives, so that Ukrainians can continue to live an independent life in the future" and so that Putin's troops do not end up near the borders of other countries.

"Putin, in his imperial madness, wanted to take over Ukraine, but instead he firmly connected it to Europe. Our fate as Europeans has never been so closely tied to the fate of Ukraine. Ukraine is defending its freedom with great determination, and in doing so, it is fighting for the freedom of all of us. Ukraine's accession to the EU is a necessary geopolitical consequence of Russia's war of aggression in violation of international law. Ukraine has made impressive progress and is on a path of reform despite Russia's destructive actions. It is now important not to let up in our efforts - in judicial reform, the fight against corruption and media freedom," the Minister said.

She added that the support is based on a deep belief that Ukraine will win this war. 

"Germany, along with many other countries from all parts of the world, is firmly on the side of Ukraine. The people of Ukraine can count on this in the long term. We will show this clearly in June, when we invite the world to a conference on Ukraine's recovery in Berlin. Together with our partners around the world and a strong alliance of business, civil society and local authorities, we are investing for the long term to secure Ukraine's future," she said.

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