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Cabinet of Ministers determines who can serve summonses, except for TRC

The delivery of summons to reservists and those liable for military service will be served around the clock.

Cabinet of Ministers determines who can serve summonses, except for TRC
Mobilization and medical examination
Photo: Judicial and Legal Newspaper

Not only representatives of territorial recruitment and social support centres will be handing out calls to reservists and persons liable for military service.

This is stated in the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On Approval of the Procedure for Conscription of Citizens for Military Service during Mobilisation and for a Special Period".

According to the new procedure, the following persons are entitled to serve calls:

Representatives of the TRCs within the administrative territory covered by the powers of the respective territorial recruitment and social support centre;

  • representatives of structural units of district and city state administrations (military administrations);
  • Representatives of executive bodies of village, town, city, district councils in cities (if they are formed);
  • representatives of enterprises, institutions, organisations;
  • representatives of the relevant unit of the intelligence agencies, the Central Directorate or regional bodies of the Security Service of Ukraine (only reservists and persons liable for military service who are registered with these bodies).

The government also ordered that summonses be served around the clock.

"The service of calls to reservists and persons liable for military service is carried out around the clock at the address of residence or the address of the declared/registered place of residence, work, study, in public places, public buildings and structures, places of mass gathering, territorial recruitment and social support centres, at checkpoints, checkpoints across the state border of Ukraine," the resolution reads.

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