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Ombudsman says 13 children from Russia, occupation return to Ukraine

Seven of the children have been returned from the temporarily occupied territories, and another six have been returned as part of the President's action plan Bring Kids Back UA.

Ombudsman says 13 children from Russia, occupation return to Ukraine
Children returned to Ukraine
Photo: Dmytro Lubinets

We managed to return 13 children to Ukraine. Seven of them were returned from the TOT, and six more were returned as part of the implementation of the approved action plan of the President of Ukraine Bring Kids Back UA.

This was announced by the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets.

"Today we have already met the children who were separated from their parents or legal guardians by the front line and the occupiers," he wrote in a telegram.

Returned children
Photo: Dmytro Lubinets
Returned children
He said that those children who had returned from the TOT and visited the Child Protection Centre told about their journey of return.

"The story of a 15-year-old girl from Mariupol struck me to the core. Her house was hit by a Russian tank, so she and her mother took refuge in a church until the girl was injured in the head by rocket fragments (what could this child have done?). After numerous attempts and actions to leave for the government-controlled territory, the family managed to do so," the ombudsman said.

Lubinets added that some of the children returned today had lost their parents, some parents wanted to return them on their own, but the Russian Federation prevented them from doing so, and some dreamed of going to their relatives.

"I am pleased to report that our Office, which worked on this together with other government agencies and with the mediation of the State of Qatar, has brought results - the children are in their native land. We expect results on other issues that were discussed during my visit to this state in April," said the Commissioner.

Returned children
Photo: Dmytro Lubinets
Returned children

He also stressed that Ukraine is ready for everyone to return and will provide basic humanitarian, medical, psychological and social assistance. And law enforcement officers will record all crimes committed by Russians that children witnessed or became victims of.

"If your child is missing and you, as his or her legal guardian, do not know his or her whereabouts, be sure to report this fact to the National Police of Ukraine by calling 102. If you are convinced that the child has been deported to Russia or is in the TOT, then in addition to the police, you should also inform us - the Ombudsman's Office," Lubinets said and provided contacts:

  • hotline 0 800 50 17 20 - within Ukraine,
  • 044 299 74 08 - for calls from abroad,
  • email address: [email protected].

The Bring Kids Back UA platform was launched in October 2023. It is a strategic action plan initiated by the President of Ukraine. It unites the efforts of the Government of Ukraine, partner countries and international organisations to return Ukrainian children who have been forcibly deported from Ukraine.

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