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Strike on Kharkiv printing house destroyed 40% of Ukraine's printing capacity: there may appear problem with textbooks

The Russians hit the company's workshop. 

As a result of the Russian attack on the Kharkiv printing house, Ukraine has lost about 40% of its printing capacity, which will lead to problems with this year's textbooks and other educational literature. Children's books, manuals and textbooks were burnt. The company's production facility was destroyed. 

This shop was built only four years ago. The strike killed all the employees who were at their equipment, according to a video from the printing house released by the president.

"All the employees who were at their machine centres died instantly," said one employee.

The woman said that after the hits, she and her colleagues tried to get the wounded to ambulances in time, as it was unknown when the Russians would strike next. The printing house was not the first target Russia hit that day. 

"We will help. I understand the task for us. We will find the money," the president promised. 

  • Yesterday, the Russian army attacked the Factor enterprise, which is part of the same holding as the Vivat publishing house. This full-cycle printing plant produced most of the books published by Ukrainian publishers - every third book.
  • The attack killed seven employees. About 20 others were injured. 50,000 books were burned.
  • The International Renaissance Foundation has announced an urgent grant to Vivat Publishing House. 
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