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Zelenskyy: Yesterday's Russian attack on printing house in Kharkiv Region destroy 50,000 books

The Head of State noted that Russia is at war with humanity and all aspects of normal life.

Zelenskyy: Yesterday's Russian attack on printing house in Kharkiv Region destroy 50,000 books
Photo: Facebook / Neivanmade

Yesterday's Russian strike on Kharkiv Region, which killed and injured people, destroyed a printing house and burned 50,000 books, demonstrates that Russia is at war with humanity and all aspects of normal life, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said. 

"Russian terrorists are killing adults and children, destroying cities and villages, leaving scorched spots where normal life once was. Russian terror must lose. And this requires only one thing - the determination of world leaders. Sufficient determination. Sufficient air defence of Ukrainian cities and communities, sufficient long-range capabilities of our soldiers, sufficiently bold political decisions. We are grateful to everyone who is with Ukraine!" the President wrote. 

Yesterday, Russia massively attacked Kharkiv and the Region. In total, the enemy used nine missiles to strike Kharkiv and six missiles to strike the Region. They hit civilian targets. There are dead and wounded.

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