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Official hryvnya exchange rate crossed 40.11 UAH/$ point

At the same time, the dollar rose by 27 coins on the cash market. 

Official hryvnya exchange rate crossed 40.11 UAH/$ point

After weakening the official hryvnya exchange rate by 10 coins on Thursday, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) on Friday lowered it by another 19 coins to a new low of 40.1153 UAH/$1, Interfax-Ukraine reports, citing the central bank's data.

The reference value of the national currency, set by the NBU at 12:00 on Friday, similarly fell by 19 coins to 40.0752 UAH/$1. On the cash market, the dollar rose by 27 coins to UAH 40.44/$1.

Since the beginning of 2024, the official hryvnya exchange rate has fallen by 5.6%, or UAH 2.11, and since the National Bank switched to managed flexibility on 3 October 2023, it has fallen by 9.7%, or UAH 3.55.

This brought the official exchange rate closer to the average annual exchange rate set out in the state budget for 2024 - 40.7 UAH/$1. 

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