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Russians strike at Kharkiv suburb, one wounded reported - Synyehubov

The Russian army attacked a settlement in the Kharkiv district. 

Russians strike at Kharkiv suburb, one wounded reported - Synyehubov
Rescuer during the elimination of a fire in the printing house
Photo: SES

Russian occupants attacked a settlement in the Kharkiv district. One person is known to be wounded. This was reported by the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleh Synyehubov.

"The occupants attacked a settlement in Kharkiv district. We received information about one wounded civilian," the statement said. 

Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov also reported two air strikes on Saltovka. 

"Two UAVs have previously struck Northern Saltovka. We are checking the information," the statement said.

The data is being clarified. 

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