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Strikes on Kharkiv are hint: Centre for Countering Disinformation explains real purpose of Russian shelling

Putin needs to freeze the war in order to accumulate forces for another offensive at the right time. 

Strikes on Kharkiv are hint: Centre for Countering Disinformation explains real purpose of Russian shelling
Kharkiv’s hypermarket after Russian strike on 25 May
Photo: Kharkiv RMA

Through the massive shelling of Kharkiv, Russia is trying to persuade Ukraine to negotiate in order to freeze the war and build up forces for a new war at the right time and occupy more of our territories. This was reported by Andriy Kovalenko, head of the Centre for Countering Disinformation.

"Russia's goal has not changed. The strikes on Kharkiv are a deliberate genocide. Putin's key goal is the destruction of the Ukrainian people and the occupation of land. The strikes on Kharkiv are a hint that they will not stop unless Ukraine sits down at the negotiating table, which would allow Russia to freeze the war and build up forces for a new war at the right time and occupy more of our territories," he said.

The CCD emphasises that the destruction of Ukraine and the annexation of its territories to Russia remains Putin's key objective.

"We need to understand this. And do not be fooled. The tools of terror are part of this plan. Counteraction is a mirror response, a sufficient number of weapons," he added. 

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