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Reuters: US to join Peace Summit in Switzerland

It is not yet known who will attend the event. 

Reuters: US to join Peace Summit in Switzerland

The United States of America will take part in the Peace Summit, Reuters reports, citing an official representative of the country.

However, it is not yet known who will come to Switzerland.

In an address to world leaders, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping "are still on the sidelines of global efforts to prepare the Peace Summit."

Zelenskyy said that more than 80 countries have confirmed their participation so far. The Swiss side previously reported 160 invitations.

  • According to the agreements with Swiss President Viola Amherd, the first Peace Summit will be held on 15-16 June in Burgenstock, near the city of Lucerne in Switzerland. 
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