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Average age of Ukrainian military is 43-45 years old, there is problem with mobilisation of young people - Bloomberg

The latest US military aid package has eased the situation on the frontline, but the problem remains a lack of manpower. 

Average age of Ukrainian military is 43-45 years old, there is problem with mobilisation of young people - Bloomberg
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The average age of Ukrainian soldiers exceeds 40 years, while mobilising young people has become more difficult for several reasons. Bloomberg writes about this with reference to the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and volunteers.

"Most people I talk to are around 40-45 years old. Younger people, especially those under 30, are relatively rare," military expert Pavlo Narozhnyy told reporters.

An unnamed senior military official confirmed the figures. According to him, the average age of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is approximately 43-45 years old.

According to Ukrainian defenders fighting the Russian army on the frontline, the latest US military aid package has eased the situation, but the problem is the lack of people.

Bloomberg also believes that Ukraine has a problem with recruitment to the Armed Forces.

In addition, many young people displaced by the fighting cannot be found. According to official statistics cited by the newspaper, only half of the 4.5 million displaced people have re-registered at a new address.

Another factor is that mothers who left Ukraine with their teenage sons do not send them back when they reach the age of volunteering. 

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