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Russia loses one ship, three aircraft, 8,900 troops in week

The Ukrainian Armed Forces also destroyed five Russian missiles and 270 UAVs. 

During the week from 19 to 26 May 2024, Russian losses amounted to 8,900 personnel and 1,246 pieces of weapons and military equipment.

This was reported by the Commander of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Pavlyuk.

According to him, Ukrainian defenders downed 3 Russian aircraft, destroyed one ship, five missiles, 270 UAVs and 8,900 Russian troops. 

Russian troops suffered significant losses of weapons and military equipment, namely

  • 86 tanks
  • 173 armoured combat vehicles
  • 266 artillery systems
  • 9 MLRS
  • 11 air defence systems
  • 1 ship
  • 388 vehicles
  • 34 units of special equipment.
    Photo: Oleksandr Pavluyk
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