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Kuleba: "Seven Patriot systems are not a high price to pay for long-term peace in Europe“

"Words of solidarity alone cannot intercept Russian missiles". 

Kuleba: "Seven Patriot systems are not a high price to pay for long-term peace in Europe“
Dmytro Kuleba
Photo: Ukrainian Foreign Minister

Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba reacted to Russia's latest attacks on Kharkiv and Lyubotyn. He called on partners who have Patriot air defence systems to speed up the decision to provide air defence systems to Ukraine.

"I believe that seven Patriot systems are not such a high price to pay for long-term peace in Europe. But they are needed now, not tomorrow," he wrote on the X.

"This terrible attack should remind everyone around the world that Ukraine still urgently needs seven Patriot systems. We are very grateful to Germany for the announcement of another system. But getting six more as soon as possible remains critical not only for Ukraine's survival but also for peace in Europe. Everyone should be clear about what we are talking about. Every day of delay and debate not only costs lives, but also brings the possibility of a larger war in Europe closer," the Ukrainian Foreign Minister adds.

Kuleba added that Putin will expand his aggression and take more lives if he is not stopped in Ukraine now.

"I once again call on the countries that have Patriot to speed up decision-making and provide these systems to Ukraine," the Foreign Minister said, adding that "unfortunately, words of solidarity alone cannot intercept Russian missiles.”

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