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Russians shell Lyman in Donetsk Region three times in one day, eight people injured (updated)

Five strikes were carried out with UMPB D-30 cruise missiles and a Grom-E1 missile.

Russians shell Lyman in Donetsk Region three times in one day, eight people injured (updated)
Photo: Vadym Filashkin

The Russian army launched massive attacks on the town of Lyman in Donetsk Region. The shelling left at least eight people wounded.

Update. According to Filashkin, the Russians struck the city five times: 1 with a Grom-E1 missile and 4 with UMPB D-30 SM bombs.

Currently, there are 8 injured, 3 damaged houses and 3 damaged administrative buildings. Work at the scene is ongoing.

Photo: Vadym Filashkin

This was reported by the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration Vadym Filashkin.

"At least 8 people are wounded - these are the preliminary results of the shelling of Lyman. This afternoon, Russians shelled the town three times, damaging three two-storey buildings and three administrative buildings," said the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration.

Photo: Vadym Filashkin

All responsible services are working at the site of the shelling.

The head of the military administration called on civilians who remained in frontline settlements to evacuate.

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