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DIU clarifies number of boats hit in Crimea: not two, but four

As a result of the special operation, four fast transport and amphibious assault boats KC-701 Tunets were damaged. 

DIU clarifies number of boats hit in Crimea: not two, but four
Special Forces of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine move on boats during one of the amphibious operations
Photo: Vitaliy Yurasov

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine has clarified the number of enemy boats destroyed in Crimea on the night of 30 May. 

According to the DIU's statement, as a result of the DIU's operation in Crimea, 4 Tunets boats were hit - 2 of them were destroyed.

 ‘According to the updated data, as a result of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine's mission, Group 13 special forces destroyed two enemy boats KS-701 Tunets in Crimea and hit two more vessels of the same type,’ the intelligence report said. 

Therefore, the total losses of the aggressor state of Russia from the attack by Ukrainian Magura V5 maritime strike drones amounted to four high-speed transport and amphibious boats KS-701 ‘Tunets’. 

The DIU added that the occupiers used these vessels for logistics and patrolling the waters near the temporarily occupied peninsula. 

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