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SBU serves notice of suspicion to Rozhyn propagandist calling to destroy Kharkiv

Blogger-collaborator Borys Rozhyn is the author of the expression ‘polite people’, which he used to describe the Russian occupation groups that seized Crimea in 2014.

SBU serves notice of suspicion to Rozhyn propagandist calling to destroy Kharkiv
Borys Rozhyn, suspect
Photo: SBU

The SBU served a notice of suspicion to propagandist Borys Rozhyn, who coined the phrase ‘polite people’ to describe the Russian occupation groups that seized Crimea in 2014. The collaborator is currently in Russia and calls for the destruction of Kharkiv.

This is stated in a statement by the SBU press service.

‘The Security Service has documented new crimes of blogger-collaborator Borys Rozhyn. He is the author of the expression ‘polite people’, which he used to describe the Russian occupation groups that seized Crimea in 2014. Currently, the blogger is one of the Kremlin's key mouthpieces, publicly supporting Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine and justifying the war crimes of the Nazis,’ the agency said in a statement.

Rozhyn also calls for the complete destruction of Kharkiv's civilian infrastructure and advocates the continuation of massive missile and bomb attacks on the city.

The collaborator distributes anti-Ukrainian content under the pseudonym ‘Colonelcassad’ through his own social media accounts, with a total audience of almost 1 million users.According to the investigation, Rozhyn began to publicly support the aggressor during the seizure of Crimea, where he lived and earned money as a freelancer. Later, he headed the occupation online publication ‘Voice of Sevastopol’, which spreads Kremlin fakes about the war against our country.

Based on the evidence collected, SBU investigators served Rozhyn a notice of suspicion in absentia under five articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

  • P. 1 of Art. 110 (encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine);
  • P. 2 of Article 109 (public calls for the violent change or overthrow of the constitutional order or the seizure of state power, as well as the distribution of materials calling for such actions);
  • P. 1, Art. 111-2 (aiding the aggressor state);
  • P. 6, Art. 111-1 (collaboration);
  • Article 436 (propaganda of war).

In 2022, SBU investigators served Rozhyn with a notice of suspicion under Article 436-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (justification, recognition of the lawfulness, denial of Russian armed aggression against Ukraine, glorification of its participants). Since the offender is hiding in the temporarily occupied part of Ukraine, comprehensive measures are being taken to find and punish him.

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