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Scholz says strikes by German weapons on Russian territory not to threaten escalation

The German chancellor said that Ukraine's right to strike targets in Russia with Western weapons would only allow Kyiv to defend its major cities. 

Scholz says strikes by German weapons on Russian territory not to threaten escalation
Olaf Scholz
Photo: EPA/UPG

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz does not believe that the possibility of striking military targets in Russia with weapons supplied by Germany will lead to an escalation, DW reports

"As the US president said, it is only about the ability to defend a large city, such as Kharkiv," Scholz said on Monday, 3 June, on the air of Antenne Bayern radio station.

The Chancellor noted that the decision to grant Kyiv the right to use German weapons was carefully considered in cooperation with Germany's "friends and allies". At the same time, Scholz assured German citizens that he would never allow pressure to persuade him to make "wrong and untimely decisions". 

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