Ukrainians liable for military service who are currently abroad and have the status of "wanted" in the app Reserve+ must return to Ukraine and update their data in the Territorial Recruiting Centres. This was announced on the air of a telethon on 4 June by the spokesman for the Ministry of Defence, Dmytro Lazutkin, Army Inform reports.
Ukrainians who have not registered at all must also return. For example, those who left at the age of 17.
"First of all, those [who need to return and update their data in the TRC] who have downloaded the Reserve+ app but have a 'wanted' status and if they have violated the rules of military registration. That is, for example, if a person is deregistered in one city but not in another. Or they didn't register at all - they left when they were under 17, but now the time has come. And so on. There are a number of reasons for this," Lazutkin said.
According to him, it is unlikely that any significant number of these people will be able to join the Ukrainian army.
"However, we understand objectively that a small percentage of Ukrainians who are now abroad can be involved in mobilisation processes, and not all of them plan to return to Ukraine. But let me remind you that those Ukrainians who are abroad are still our citizens, and the relevant legislation applies to them," he said.
Lazutkin also explained what 17-year-old Ukrainians should do abroad.
"Young men who have turned 17 must register for military service. There is such a requirement. And it also applies to those who are abroad. If these people retain their Ukrainian citizenship and link their future with our country, then obviously it is worth doing," Army Inform quoted him as saying.
It is not yet possible to register for the first time through Reserv+ - only through the TRC.
- Ukrainians liable for military service have until 18 July to update their data. This can be done in the TRC, ASC or the Reserve+ application.