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DIU attacks electronic services in Russia: from registry offices to large banks

Specialists organised a cyber attack. 

DIU attacks electronic services in Russia: from registry offices to large banks
Photo: Stock

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine has attacked Russian electronic services, UP writes, citing sources in the DIU. As a result of the attack, the work of some government agencies and private companies stopped.

Roskomnadzor explains the failure as a result of a "failure of the main communication network". However, according to UP's sources, the real reason was a large-scale DDoS attack.

As of 11 a.m. on 5 June, access to the electronic services of the government services website, as well as to the services of the ministries of defence, finance, interior, justice, industry and energy, information technology and communications, and emergency situations, was lost.

"The website and services of the Russian Federal Tax Service have been blocked. A message from the Federal Customs Service has been published, stating that "due to a massive DDoS attack on telecommunications operators, information exchange with participants in foreign economic activity is complicated", journalists reported.

The United Aircraft Manufacturing Company also reported a lack of access to the network, and its operations were suspended for some time. In addition, there were malfunctions in the servers of Russia's cloud storage service Gosoblako. And in a number of regions, the "unified state registry office" has been down for several days: Russians are complaining about cancelled weddings, the UP source added.

The services of some banking institutions, in particular, Sberbank and AlfaBank, have become unavailable. According to the UP source, there are also serious disruptions in the work of the VKontakte network - a number of services are unavailable. 

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