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Sources: deputy head of Kyiv City State Administration searched (update)

According to the interlocutors, it is Usov. 

Sources: deputy head of Kyiv City State Administration searched (update)
Photo: Wikipedia

On 4 June, investigative actions were carried out in the building of the Kyiv City State Administration. The searches concern the deputy head of the KMDA, Konstyantin Usov, informed sources told 

According to the sources, the case under investigation was initiated back in 2022 and relates to Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - ‘acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of an unlawful benefit by an official’. 

The interlocutors said that the investigative actions were allegedly taking place ‘without a court decision’.

Since 2021, Konstyantin Usov has been the deputy head of the Kyiv City State Administration for the exercise of self-government powers. There is no public information on whether he has been served with a notice of suspicion now or previously.

Update. Konstantin Usov confirmed the searches. His phones, computer and personal funds were seized, the Kyiv City State Administration said in a statement.

"Today, SBI investigators came to my office to search it. They seized my computer, my phone and personal funds. On my initiative, the numbers of each banknote were recorded to avoid manipulation. Despite the absence of a court order for the search, we fully cooperated with the pre-trial investigation authorities and are ready to do so in the future," he said.

Judging by the comment, the case concerns carriers.

"If any of the city representatives were involved in any illegal activities, no one will cover them up. This is not in my rules. Of course, transparency does not always satisfy market players. We also remember the paid protests of the route mafia, threats and blackmail of city hall employees, as well as numerous criminal proceedings, searches and operational and investigative actions carried out by representatives of various law enforcement agencies during the aggravation of legal relations with private carriers in the past. Therefore, we are absolutely open to help the investigation in this case," Usov commented.

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